Ruby B. Johnson


Ruby B. Johnson


Ruby Bouie Johnson is a sex therapist in private practice in Plano, Texas. Her areas of specialty are open/polyamorous partnerships/families, Kink/BDSM, desire discrepancy, and multicultural relationships . She is the founder and CEO for PolyDallas Millennium© LLC which is an annual symposium that centers BIPOC and consensual nonmonogamous (CNM) voices and experiences. Ms. Johnson is a speaker, writer, and therapist who has several publications and interviews in many media outlets discussing BIPOC experiences with BDSM/Kink and CNM relationships. 
Ms. Johnson has presented, including keynote, at several national and international conferences. Most recently, Ms. Johnson is facilitating a workshop for sex therapists at Society for Sex Therapy and Research on Black Woman and Sexuality: Cultural Humility in Practice. Her perspective and voice regarding CNM and sexuality has been sought on radio shows, blogs, podcasts, and magazines such as Playboy Magazine, Areva Martin's Special Report, Vice, Cosmopolitan, Therapy for Black Girls, and Women's Health. She was a former contributor for the Huffington Post. Ms. Johnson was the Guest Editor for Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships for a special edition on polyamory and other relationship constellations. She has two upcoming chapters, Liberation Theory and Psychotherapy with CNM Relationships, for two academic books on consensually nonmonogamous relationships. 

Currently, Ms. Johnson is on the Board of Directors for the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom and Hopeful Solutions. She participated on the Division 44 taskforce committee that formulated the guidelines for best clinical practice Kink/BDSM and consensual nonmonogamy for the American Psychological Association. Upcoming, Justin Clardy PhD and Ms. Johnson, are co-guest editors for a special edition on Black Family and Polyamory for the Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships.

Conscious Life is a member of the Alex Howard Group.

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